This is my first adventure into the amazing world of blogging. I hope I don't trip over my feet and fall flat on my words. If I do? Well, it's okay to laugh.
My name is K.T. Hernandez. I am a writer and a teacher. If you wanted to, you could look up the first book I self-published, Kid's Play, Early Development Activities to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten. It's a book for grown-ups to read. I hope it will give kids a head-start in school.
So I write books for adults, but I am also writing an adventure series for kids ages 7 - 12. These are really fun stories about two young boys who find treasure, stop the bad guys, and save the day. The books aren't published yet, but I know they will be, one day soon.
Let's face it, writing is tough. I love to write, especially those days when the words come easily and dialog pops into my head faster than I can type. But there are other days when I have to drag the words across the page like an old dead log. Those days? Not so much fun, no. But I've found if I keep working at it, practicing, polishing, reading other people's stories, the words flow again. Like a sweet song.
What do you like to read/and or write?
Writing frees my thoughts.
Though sometimes, usually when life's demands get in the way, I need a little help. Even the first word can be the hardest word to write. When that happens, I free-write by turning the editor in my head down to low, and begin to scribble whatever comes to mind. Eventually when I'm done spewing out whatever has been dying to get past the barriers, I can settle into a flow.
The biggest step beside that first word, is making the decision that no matter how many layers of dust and piles of dog hair litter my life, I must sit down and write.
Then I remember why I fell in love with the written word. The simple action becomes like the cool carressing breeze off a lake in the summer time. Seductive.
Ahhh, beautiful. I feel those breezes, they smell sweet and fresh. Thank you my very-first-blog-commenter. You keep writing, your words are much deeper than any layers of dust or dog hair.
For me turning down that mental editor is sometimes the hardest thing to do. I get hung up on movements like she walked in the room, or was it strolled into the room? Sasheyed? Tripped? Stumbled into the room, slipped on the rug, broke the heel of her shoe, and bloodied her nose on the lamp. Uh, what had she come in there for? I forget.
Hush up that nagging editor (even if it means beating her back with a stick) so that you can finish that first draft. Then go back with your polishing kit.
Everyone writes differently, I need to forge ahead, get the sketch of the scene in place then go back and fill in the colors, textures, sounds, smells...I do have an idea of what needs to happen in the scene before I, well, walk into the room.
So I guess I'd like to know, what is the hardest part about writing for you?
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